Tagged: “Retaining Walls”
Smithtown, NY Project
This project in Smithtown, NY incorporates our client’s wish list of a large patio and seat walls with outdoor furniture, an outdoor fireplace as a focal point, a play set for the kids, a large expansive lawn area, and a natural retaining wall with color plantings. Outdoor Fireplace – Cambridge Olde English Wall Fireplace With […]
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Retaining walls serve many purposes including creating useable outdoor space, retaining grades, as well as being purely decorative. Each function has its own specific material and building methods. Green Island Design evaluates each property to determine whether a retaining wall should be used for a specific application of if a wall can be used to […]
Continue ReadingColonial Stacked Bluestone Multi-Level Retaining Walls with Natural Cleft
Managing Long Island’s hilly terrain requires the expertise of a group experienced with grading, soil abatement, and erosion control issues. Call our retaining wall specialists today! (631) 235-3953 | www.greenislanddesign.com
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March-April 2012 Addition Project: “Heights of Roslyn” The residents of this Roslyn home contacted Green Island Design to transform their property into a soothing oasis. The designers were asked to use the existing hill as a focal point and incorporate an outdoor room. A family pool was requested, yet due to limitations, creativity was key […]
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